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Nov. 29, 2023

Transitioning from Corporate Recruiting to Starting Your Own Firm: Insights from Madison Loomis

Transitioning from Corporate Recruiting to Starting Your Own Firm: Insights from Madison Loomis

In a recent episode of the Elite Recruiter Podcast, Madison Loomis shares her journey from corporate recruiting to starting her own firm. She emphasizes the importance of sharing relatable stories to inspire others and offers valuable insights for recruiters looking to make a similar transition.

Starting in HR and Nonprofit Recruitment

Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/episode/4tyv1F6WaPJbJlebTRfMw8?si=H_UlFvbZTVqJHPMzIY2Ybw

Madison's journey in the world of recruiting started with an internship in HR. It was her first exposure to the industry, and she quickly realized that it was a field she wanted to explore further. The internship provided her with invaluable hands-on experience and a glimpse into the inner workings of an HR department.


Determined to expand her knowledge and skillset, Madison decided to take on a new challenge and joined a nonprofit healthcare center as a recruitment specialist. This role allowed her to gain a deeper understanding of the recruitment process and its importance within the nonprofit sector.


During her time at the nonprofit healthcare center, Madison encountered a variety of recruitment scenarios. She was responsible for attracting and selecting candidates for a wide range of positions, from administrative roles to healthcare professionals. This exposure exposed her to the unique challenges and rewards of recruiting in the healthcare field.


One of the most valuable lessons Madison learned during this time was the importance of building strong relationships with both candidates and hiring managers. She realized that successful recruitment is not just about finding the right candidates for the job, but also about ensuring a good cultural fit and long-term fit for the organization.


Madison's experience in HR and nonprofit recruitment also taught her the importance of adaptability and resourcefulness. She often had to navigate through limited resources and tight budgets while still being able to attract top talent to the organization. She became skilled at finding creative solutions and using available tools and platforms to maximize the impact of the recruitment process.


Throughout her journey, Madison developed a strong foundation and understanding of the HR and nonprofit recruitment industry. She honed her skills in candidate sourcing, interviewing, and selection, and became adept at managing recruitment campaigns from start to finish.


Madison's time in HR and nonprofit recruitment shaped her into a highly resourceful and adaptable recruiter. She learned the importance of building relationships, finding creative solutions, and always striving for the best outcomes. These experiences laid the groundwork for her future success in the field, and she is grateful for the lessons and skills she gained during this time.


In her next role, Madison took the lessons learned from her early experiences and brought them to new heights. Stay tuned for the next section to learn more about her journey.


Gaining Experience in Technical Recruiting at a Startup


After gaining valuable experience in the world of corporate recruiting, Madison decided to explore a new challenge: technical recruiting at a startup. This transition allowed her to dive deep into various aspects of recruiting in the fast-paced and ever-evolving startup environment.


One of the core lessons Madison learned during her time as a technical recruiter at a startup was the importance of adaptability. In this dynamic setting, she had to be flexible and quickly adjust her strategies to the specific needs and requirements of each role she was hiring for. Startups often have unique hiring needs and may require specialized skill sets that are in high demand. With limited resources and time, Madison had to think outside the box and tap into her creativity to attract the right talent.


Resourcefulness became Madison's secret weapon as she navigated the challenges of technical recruiting at a startup. Unlike large corporations with established recruiting processes and systems, startups often operate with limited budgets and manpower. Madison had to make the most out of the available resources and find innovative ways to source and engage candidates. She became an expert at leveraging social media, networking events, and online platforms to identify and connect with potential candidates.


Working at a startup provided Madison with a wealth of skills and experiences that would later benefit her own recruiting agency. She developed a keen eye for talent and honed her ability to identify top performers who could thrive in fast-paced and high-pressure environments. She learned how to assess a candidate's potential beyond their technical skills and evaluate their cultural fit within a startup's unique work culture.


Additionally, the startup environment taught Madison the importance of building strong relationships with both candidates and hiring managers. In a small team, collaboration and effective communication were crucial to successfully fill open positions and meet the company's growth goals. Madison became a master at establishing and maintaining strong connections with all stakeholders, ensuring a smooth and efficient hiring process.


Furthermore, the startup culture fostered a mindset of continuous learning and growth. Madison had the opportunity to work closely with highly talented individuals who were experts in their respective fields. She absorbed knowledge and insights from engineers, designers, and product managers, which further expanded her understanding of various technical roles and industries.


In conclusion, gaining experience in technical recruiting at a startup was a transformative journey for Madison. It taught her the importance of adaptability, resourcefulness, and relationship-building in the recruiting process. The skills and experiences she acquired during this time proved to be invaluable assets in her future endeavors as a professional recruiter.


Making the Leap to Start Her Own Agency


Starting her own agency was a decision fueled by Madison's desire to build her own dream and have more control over her career. She had always been passionate about making a difference in the field of advanced practice recruitment, and she saw an opportunity to do just that by starting her own agency.


The decision to take this leap of faith was not an easy one. Madison knew that starting her own agency would come with its own set of challenges, but she was determined to overcome them. With the support of her partner and family, she found the courage to make the jump.


One of the main reasons Madison wanted to start her own agency was to focus on advanced practice recruitment in specific areas. She strongly believed in the importance of nurse practitioners, physician assistants, and medical doctors in the healthcare industry. By focusing on recruiting talent in these areas, Madison aimed to make a significant impact on the quality of healthcare provided to patients.


Building her own agency would allow Madison to have more control over the recruitment process and ensure that only the best and most qualified candidates were selected. She understood the crucial role that these advanced practice professionals play in delivering optimal patient care, and she wanted to ensure that healthcare facilities had access to top talent in these fields.


Madison's agency would not only focus on recruiting the best candidates but also on providing ongoing support and assistance to those professionals. She wanted to create a supportive and nurturing environment where these individuals could thrive and excel in their careers.


Starting her own agency was a bold and ambitious move, but Madison was ready to take on the challenge. She knew that it would be a lot of hard work and dedication, but she was determined to make her dream a reality.


By building her own agency, Madison could shape the future of advanced practice recruitment and make a positive impact on the healthcare industry. With her expertise and passion for her work, she was confident that her agency would be a game-changer in the field.


Madison's leap to start her own agency was driven by her desire for growth, control, and making a difference. With the support of her loved ones, she embarked on this new chapter of her career with determination and resilience.


This venture would be a testament to Madison's unwavering dedication and her commitment to advancing the field of advanced practice recruitment. She aimed to create a legacy that would inspire others to pursue their dreams and make a lasting impact.


Differentiating Her Agency with a Flat Fee Model


In a highly competitive industry like recruitment, it's important for agencies to find ways to stand out from the crowd. Madison, the founder of an innovative agency, has found a unique way to differentiate her business - by charging a flat fee instead of a percentage of the base salary. This approach has not only created a fair process for both clients and candidates but has also contributed to the agency's remarkable growth in the past year.


A Fair Process for all Involved


Traditionally, recruitment agencies charge a percentage of the base salary, which can often lead to uncertainty and friction between clients and candidates. Madison's agency recognized the need for a more transparent and fair approach. By charging a flat fee, regardless of the candidate's salary, the agency eliminates any potential conflicts of interest and ensures that both clients and candidates are treated equitably.


This flat fee model has been well-received by clients, who appreciate the clarity and simplicity it offers. They no longer have to worry about unexpected costs or negotiations based on salary. Instead, they can focus on finding the best candidate for the job, knowing that the fees remain consistent.


For candidates, this flat fee approach is equally advantageous. They can be confident that the agency's recommendations and actions are solely based on their qualifications and fit for the role, rather than influenced by the potential commission on offer. This creates a more trusting and productive relationship between candidates and the agency, increasing the chances of successful placements.


Embracing New Approaches to Drive Growth


Besides its innovative fee structure, Madison's agency has also embraced modern techniques to drive growth. One of their most successful strategies is social selling, which involves leveraging social media platforms to engage with potential clients and candidates.


This approach allows the agency to showcase its expertise, build relationships, and stay top of mind with their target audience. By consistently sharing valuable content, industry insights, and success stories, the agency has positioned itself as a trusted resource in the recruitment space. As a result, they have attracted new clients and candidates who are eager to work with a forward-thinking agency.


Another key element of the agency's growth strategy is the use of personalized videos. Instead of relying solely on traditional resumes and cover letters, candidates are encouraged to submit short videos introducing themselves and highlighting their skills and experiences.


This personalized approach not only helps the agency gain a deeper understanding of each candidate but also allows them to assess their presentation skills and communication style. By offering something unique and memorable, Madison's agency sets itself apart from competitors and increases the likelihood of successful placements.

Madison's flat fee model and innovative growth strategies have truly set her agency apart from the competition. By prioritizing fairness, transparency, and engaging techniques, the agency has been able to attract and retain top clients and candidates. With a bright future ahead, Madison's agency continues to redefine the recruitment industry, proving that a fresh approach can lead to remarkable success.


Advice for Recruiters and Finding Success


Recruiting can be a challenging field, but with the right approach, it can also be immensely rewarding. In this blog post, we will explore some advice from Madison, a successful recruiter who has found her own path to success. Whether you're just starting out in recruitment or looking to take your career to the next level, Madison's insights can help you find your own success.


Be Authentic and Yourself


One of the key pieces of advice Madison offers to recruiters is to be authentic and true to themselves, especially when using video for business development. It's easy to fall into the trap of trying to emulate someone else's style or presentation, but Madison believes that being genuine is the key to building trust and establishing meaningful connections.


By being yourself, you bring a unique perspective and approach to your work, which can set you apart from other recruiters. When you are authentic, candidates and clients are more likely to trust and connect with you, leading to stronger relationships and better outcomes. So, embrace who you are, and let that shine through in your videos and interactions.


Define Your Niche and Stay Focused


Another important factor that has contributed to Madison's success is working with a coach who helped her define her niche and stay focused. In the recruitment world, it's tempting to try to be everything to everyone, but this approach can lead to spreading yourself too thin and diluting your effectiveness.


Instead, Madison recommends finding a niche that aligns with your interests and passions. When you specialize in a particular industry or type of candidate, you become an expert in that area, and clients and candidates value your expertise. This focused approach also allows you to stay ahead of industry trends and build a strong network within your niche, which can lead to more opportunities and success.


Explore Your Interests and Find Your Passion


If you're a recruiter who is not passionate about your current industry, Madison suggests exploring your own interests and finding a niche that aligns with those interests. It's important to enjoy the work you do, as passion is what motivates and fuels success.


Take some time to reflect on your own interests, hobbies, and values. Is there an industry or field that excites you? Are there certain types of candidates or roles you are naturally drawn to? By exploring your own interests, you can find a niche that not only aligns with your passions but also allows you to bring your authentic self to your work.


In conclusion, the key to finding success as a recruiter is to be authentic, define your niche, and align your work with your passions. By embracing who you are, staying focused, and pursuing your interests, you can build meaningful connections, become an expert in your field, and ultimately find fulfillment and success in the world of recruitment.


Balancing Work and Personal Life


In today's fast-paced society, finding a balance between work and personal life can be challenging. Madison, a successful professional, emphasizes the importance of striking this balance and not sacrificing family and personal life for success. She believes that true success is not defined solely by billing numbers, but rather by the quality of placements and relationships.


Madison encourages her listeners to define their own version of success. Every individual has unique goals and aspirations, and comparing oneself to others can lead to dissatisfaction and burnout. It is essential to set personal boundaries and prioritize both professional and personal commitments.


Success is not measured solely by how much time and effort one puts into their work. It is about finding fulfillment and satisfaction in all aspects of life. Madison believes that maintaining a healthy work-life balance is not only beneficial to the individual but also to their professional success.


In order to achieve this balance, Madison shares a few tips:


  1. Set clear boundaries: Define specific times for work and personal activities. Avoid blurring the lines between the two.
  2. Practice self-care: Take care of yourself physically, mentally, and emotionally. This includes getting enough sleep, exercising regularly, and engaging in activities that bring joy and relaxation.
  3. Delegate when possible: Learn to delegate tasks and responsibilities. It is okay to ask for help and share the workload.
  4. Communicate effectively: Openly communicate with your colleagues, managers, and family members about your priorities and commitments. This ensures everyone is on the same page and supports your efforts to maintain a work-life balance.
  5. Disconnect from work: Designate specific times to disconnect from work-related tasks and technology. This allows you to fully engage with your loved ones and recharge.


By implementing these strategies, Madison believes that individuals can find a harmonious balance between their professional and personal lives. It is essential to prioritize self-care and maintain strong relationships with loved ones, as they contribute to long-term happiness and success.



Madison emphasizes the importance of finding a work-life balance and not sacrificing personal life for success. She encourages defining one's own version of success and not comparing oneself to others. Success is determined by quality placements and relationships, rather than just billing numbers. By setting boundaries, practicing self-care, delegating tasks, effective communication, and disconnecting from work, individuals can achieve a harmonious balance between work and personal life.